On behalf of the Ivey Family, it is my privilege to welcome you to Ivey International School. In the words of Dalai Lama. “When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts”. Our unique approach to leadership education differentiates us from any other school in the area. Our focus is to develop young leaders with character prepared to make a positive contribution to society.
We offer a values-based approach to education with a focus on four pillars: Physical training modern language fluency, collage preparatory academics, leadership. We are co-educational, non-sectarian admitting students entering pre-kindergarten through grade 7 irrespective of race, national origin, or ethnicity. It is through our values-based leadership approach to education that our students develop a moral compass to provide guidance throughout their lives with a focus on giving back to their community, their school, and their families.
I invite you to get to know us. Please feel free to visit our school and ask us the hard questions, as we believe Ivey will provide your child with opportunities to compete in an increasingly global society.