Our School Rules have been devised to maintain maintaining a safe and happy and environment where everyone feels valued and respected.
- All members of the school community should respect one another.
- Show respect for your own and other school property.
- Be polite and sensible around the school and in the classroom.
- Do your best and be responsible for your own behaviour and work.
- Be attentive and listen carefully during lessons.
- Be kind and helpful toward one another to make Step by Step a friendly and happy school.
- Wear the correct school uniform and have the correct kit for PE.
Based on these School Rules, the following expectations outline how pupils are expected to behave in and around the school.
Expectations around the school
- To walk through the school sensibly and quietly.
- To walk on the left hand side of the stairs sensibly, safely and quietly.
- To be honest and fair and non judgemental.
- To take pride in the work displayed around the school.
- To respect staff and pupils during lessons and at playtimes.
- To be polite towards staff and pupils and our Didis and Bhaiyyas.
- To look after the school building and all equipment with care and respect.
Expectations in the playground
- To play together amicably.
- To include other children in games, especially if they are new to the school.
- To use the play equipment sensibly.
- To share equipment and take turns whilst playing.
Expectations with regards to work and learning
- To be punctual and prepared for lessons.
- To raise a hand before contributing to class discussion.
- To co-operate with others.
- To listen attentively to adults in the class.
- To attempt tasks independently.
- To try to achieve the highest possible standard.
- To attempt the given task without wasting time.
- To complete homework tasks within the required time.
Behaviour and Discipline
IVEY endeavors to provide a school environment that is safe and stimulating for the children in our care. Our Behavior and Discipline Policy reflects the overall positive approach we have in our school towards all aspects of children’s learning and development. We encourage our children to trust and respect their peers and show compassion and appreciation of divergent views.
At IVEY we aim:
To promote a positive, whole school approach towards behavior and discipline by providing clear guidelines and establishing procedures for all members of staff and children to follow. | |
To encourage good behaviour by establishing a system of praise and reward for children of all ages and abilities. | |
To make clear to children the expected behaviour in the school and the consequences that will follow any misbehaviour. | |
To teach moral values and attitudes through the school curriculum in order to promote responsible behaviour, self-discipline and respect for others. | |
To motivate children and to help them succeed by developing positive self-esteem. |
Encouraging good behaviour
Our behaviour and discipline policy aims to encourage children to exhibit good behaviour – this is reinforced with a system of praise and reward for all children. IVEY uses a range of different systems to reward children for academic and non-academic achievements, for effort, good work and for behaviour. These include:
Well done cards and stickers for good work in class. | |
Certificates for academic or behaviour achievement. | |
Notes sent to parents celebrating good behaviour or good work. | |
House points for good behaviour. | |
Verbal praise. |
Other ways in which pupils are rewarded includes being given extra responsibility or privileges. These include being asked to become a Playground Buddy or a Sports Leader and working with younger age groups, becoming a member of the School Council or being part of the school’s mentor program.
Discouraging unacceptable behaviour
There will be times when children behave unacceptably. The following sets out clearly what the school agrees are appropriate sanctions and consequences to secure effective behaviour.
All members of staff are expected to deal with unacceptable behaviour immediately.
Any sanction is balanced with encouragement and support with an aim to re-establish relationships.
Adults are expected to set a good personal example for children.
If at any time, the safety of the child or other children is compromised, the Head of School will be involved.
If there are repeated incidents of unacceptable behaviour, these will be brought to the Head of School’s attention.
We understand that it is vital that parents are involved when pupils display repeated examples of poor behaviour. In such instances, we aim to communicate regularly via notes home, phone calls or meetings. A child may be placed on a daily report card in order that parents are fully included in the process of ensuring pupils are engaged in their learning, and not a disruption to other pupils as they learn.
The school will exclude a pupil if there is considered to be a significant detrimental effect on the moral, physical or educational welfare of other pupils in the school; if there is the risk of self injury; serious disruption or serious damage and loss to school property; unacceptable behavior towards staff; or the possession of any of the banned substances mentioned in the school code of conduct. The decision to exclude a pupil rests solely with the Head of School.
Attendance and Punctuality
As a school we very strongly feel the need for children to attend school regularly and punctually in order to derive maximum benefit from the school’s curriculum. Regular attendance is essential for the academic and personal development of children.
We expect that all parents will endeavor to have children in school during term time unless there are justifying circumstances.
If a child is absent from school, parents must inform the school by a written note or telephone call. It is important that you explain the reasons for your child’s absence to the class teacher or the Head of School/Academic Secretaries.